Thursday, August 4, 2011

Who We Are & What We Do

We are a small group with a big interest in the paranormal. We've each had our own personal metaphysical experiences that have left us with a natural curiosity for those things which cannot readily be explained. We are travelling around Addison County trying to make contact with any Spirits who may want to communicate with us. We are hoping these Spirits can give us some answers or clues to unexplained events, to help us understand their unfinished business and to possibly connect with our loved ones who have transitioned.

Before each hunt we research the site. This allows us to become familiar with the area, how old it is, what the area or building was or is used for, who may have occupied it, if any specific events happened, etc. It also allows us to ask more specific questions that pertain to the site and the possible Spirits inhabiting it.

Our attempts to make contact are being obtained by doing EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) sessions with both a digital recorder and a ghost box. The digital recorder may pick up disembodied voices that we can not hear with the human ear. The ghost box is a piece of equipment that a Spirit can use as a vessel to communicate with us. The Spirit is able to pick and choose individual words or small phrases from a scanning radio to answer our questions. These sessions are also recorded. Additional equipment used are, digital cameras to try and capture any apparitions that may not have been seen at the time of our hunt. Flashlights are used to allow an entity to communicate with us by asking strictly yes or no questions. They are able to turn the flashlight on and off to respond. And finally, we open ourselves up to experience, sights, sounds, smells and touch from beyond.

While we seek to make contact and possibly have a conversation with those who have passed, we most certaintly don't want to bring anyone home with us! We are also aware that not everyone we encounter will be nice. As a result we take extra precautions for protection through prayer, invokation and positive light energy. More to post on this subject later!

We will be continuously posting our experiences, photos and recordings to share with you. We hope that you will find them informative and interesting. They may even possibly give you a piece of mind about something you've always wondered about. We are not against visiting a site a second time. let us know if you would like us to ask specific questions next time or have us inquire about anything else you would want us to know about a site and is occupants. We will make note of these and schedule to visit them again.

We have several locations that we hoe to investigate, however, we are always looking for more. Please feel free to email us at or visit us on Facebook. We welcome any information you can provide to us on these locations. your information, not matter how big or small, could greatly improve our investigations and help us to find the answers we may be looking for. We would also love to hear your own personal 'ghost story'. Who knows.... maybe the next knocking sound you hear will be us at your own front door!

*~Chris F.~*

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